You're Here Because...
​You are often critical of yourself
You are angry and aren't even sure why
You feel like an imposter in your business/life
You feel disorganized and chaotic regularly
You numb out with social media, food, shopping, etc.
You make unhealthy choices for your mind and body
You always put others needs before your own
You feel worn out and used up
There are never enough hours in the day to be the parent, partner, friend, and business owner that you want to be
You are constantly seeking approval (rejection feels crushing and destabilizing)
You are worried you are letting everyone down
Mid-life has brought up some "stuff" that you are ready to work on and move through

Let Me Guess...
You are playing safe, avoiding making decisions that will push you out of your comfort zone for fear of judgment from others
You keep saying "yes" out of fear of not being liked
You are anxious and overwhelmed by your to-do-list
You are feeling like you are parenting solo without support from partner or family
You are feeling like there is not enough time to do all the things and do them efficiently
You have no time to workout or to eat right
You have doctors appointments you have been putting off making
You are afraid of investing in yourself and/or your business because money and debt scare you
How Would You Feel If...
I told you that you deserve everything that you ever dreamed of having?​
That when you begin to heal from your own past traumas and wounding that you can find self-esteem, inspiration, energy, vital life force, patience, JOY, and EASE in your life and work.
You can finally have those deep, meaningful relationships with your children and spouse. You can be fully present.
You can reach the next levels in your work or business without struggling.
There is a way to finally...
HAVE IT ALL, MOM! I've got you covered!
I'm going to show you exactly how I've been there and how it's possible to take back what's rightfully yours!

This Is For You If...
You are a working mom
Need support to finally ditch your lack of self worth and behaviors like procrastination, disorganization, people pleasing, perfectionism, and self control
Would like to heal from past traumas for good
Would like more meaningful relationships with your family
Need more time in your day
Are feeling a mid-life crisis coming on (or are deep in one)
Ready to take back your energy and power
If You Are...
Ready to have a proven road map to follow and guidance along the way to release the emotional blocks holding you back
Ready to face and heal deep childhood wounds
Ready to release money blocks and stand powerfully in your value
Ready to claim your worth in your career or business
Ready to get the support you deserve and to do what it takes to make your dreams a reality

Then I Invite You to Join This
90 Day Transformational Program!
In this powerful, highly supportive Hypnotherapy and Coaching program we'll take steps to dive into who you are at the core of your being, what you really need to feel whole, loved, and supported and then we'll MAKE IT HAPPEN!
I break everything down into simple, easy-to-follow steps so you'll never feel stressed or overwhelmed while reconnecting to your passions and stepping into your powerful Mother Goddess Warrior self!
Here's What We'll Do Through These 90 Days...
1) Discovering Yourself & Meeting Your Inner Child
2) How to Re-parent Your Inner Child
3) Building a Strong Foundation with Your Partner
4) Be the Mother They Deserve
5) Your Healthy Mind & Body
6) Dial in Your Business. Dial in Your Life.
What is Included?
A 90 Day results-driven coaching program:
Have It All, Mom: Bobbie and her team will reconnect you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually to become the BEST version of yourself.
Bi-Monthly One-on-One Coaching Calls with Bobbie or a member of her Team
Bi-Monthly Personal Hypnotherapy Sessions with Bobbie
​Support via Text Message between sessions
PLUS, these INFORMATIVE and GAME CHANGING worksheets and quiz's that helped me navigate the Mom Entrepreneur lifestyle to find EASE and JOY.
Module 1
Discovering Yourself & Meeting Your Inner Child
Astrology Natal Chart
Human Design Chart
Module 4
Be the Mother That
They Deserve
"10 Tips to Raise Kids" Article
Putting a Plan into Action
Module 2
Mother Wounds & Reparenting Your Inner Child
Inner Mother Workbook & Article
"What a Father Does" Article
Module 5
A Healthy
Mind & Body
Weight Loss Readiness Quiz
Personalized Health Plan
Module 3
Build a Strong Foundation with Your Partner
Discover Your Love Language
Attachment Style Quiz
Module 6
Dial in Your Business.
Dial in Your Life.
Productivity Handout
Business Assessment
Be clear headed and ready for anything that comes your way
No more self criticism or self destructive behaviors
Will finally feel empowered and strong enough to stand up for what you need and what you deserve
Your confidence will be boosted and it will show!
You will be communicating with your partner, openly and honestly
Your children will be overjoyed with your presence and love
Your business will be thriving with less effort & frustration
You'll be on track for living a healthy lifestyle!

In Just 90 Days You'll...

Bobbie Larson, CHT
Bobbie Larson is an Alchemical Hypnotherapist, business mentor, and owner of Magick Oak Wellness Center.
She lives in Windsor, California with her husband of a 1,000 years, her 2 kids, and a menagerie of pets.
Her passion is helping mom’s in the wellness industry to transcend self-sabotaging behaviors and self-limiting beliefs to become the masters of their lives, ultimately finding a peaceful and successful work-life balance.
Bobbie is a Certified Hypnotist, with a BS in Business Administration, an AA in Sociology, and is a Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor, Certified Vegan Health Coach, and has over 20 years in the holistic wellness field.
She loves building women up so they can realize their fullest potential.